First, thanks to all who attended the Marty Smith event a week ago Monday night at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. Everyone I talked with said they enjoyed the night--meeting and chatting with writers--and loved hearing Marty discuss the writing process, writing for Orange Coast magazine, and writing essays.
Our next event on April 14 will be quite fun, and the night before Tax Day don't we all need a good laugh? Merrill Markoe will be our guest author. She's an Emmy winning former producer and writer from the David Letterman show, and now writes novels--funny novels that I love. She and I will be in conversation, she'll read from her work, and answer questions. And we'll hang out a bit, have a sip and chat.
The setting will be a bit more casual than the tennis club. The event will take place at a friend's spacious home in Corona del Mar, with easy free parking and view of the water. Seating is a bit more limited than it was at the Tennis Club, so don't wait too long to register. Once you register, the address will be sent to you.
Time: 7 - 9 (but can hang out a bit longer)
Cost: $15, include snacks, libation and cake of course. Feel free to forward this email to your literary friends. ($16 via PayPal.)
Looking forward to seeing you again...