Hi gang,
My website has been revamped and so you can now find my blog on the website at www.penonfire.com. If you're just looking for radio shows that have been podcast, writersonwriting.blogspot.com has those.
Barbara DeMarco-Barrett is author of the bestselling and award-winning Pen on Fire: A Busy Woman's Guide to Igniting the Writer Within (Harcourt, 2004), which is now in its 8th printing. She has a short story, "Crazy for You," in Orange County Noir, published by Akashic Books (2010) and an essay, "Knitting, My Urban Escape," in Knitting Through It (Voyageur, 2008). She hosts and produces Writers on Writing, which airs Weds. at 9 a.m. Pacific on KUCI-FM 88.9 in Orange Co., Ca, and streams live at www.kuci.org
Very nice site. It is now bookmarked.
Will you be keeping this blog alive?
This blog will remain up for a while, but I believe at this point everything has been transferred to the website.
Thanks for asking, Bill!
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