Great grammar. But in songs, especially blues songs, the grammar is off--has to be off--and wouldn't sound right if it was proper grammar.
Grammar can be so difficult, though, esp. if you grow up with parents who don't speak the language, as I did. Italian was both of their first languages and so often, around the house, they'd be speaking Italian slang--I later learned--which they didn't want me to learn. It truly wasn't until I was into my 30s that I understood when to use lay and lie! Or what the difference between go and come.
It's true.
Everyone, it seems, hates grammar. A few good books, though, make grammar fun. Spunk and Bite by Plotnik. Sin and Syntax by Connie Hale. Woe is I and Words Fail Me by Patricia O'Conner (I think that's her name....)
Any other you recommend?

Ah, ethnic dialects, one of my favorite subjects. Yiddish, ebonics, nuyorican some of the spices of our vast cultural treasure... Word origins are fun to learn about and trying to undo bad habits with language is as tough as any physical workout. 'Irregardless':), your book recommendations should whip us all into more 'standard' shape!
And in some cases, you have to keep the dialect. That song would never work as..."It's a Friday night and I have no money...." Or all those blues songs....
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