Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pen on Fire Salon with T. Jefferson Parker

T. Jefferson Parker was the featured author at the writers salon the other night here at Scape Gallery in Corona del Mar, and it was another stellar evening with great talk and great guests. Jeff was here to talk about his new book, The Border Lords, which received a five star review in the Los Angeles Times yesterday (1/19/11). Here are some photos from the evening, taken by writer C.J. Bahnsen, who gratefully serves as a doorperson, along with his significant other, writer Debra Cross. (They're there in the bottom photo, along with me and Marrie Stone, writer and co-host on Writers on Writing.) Mystery Ink, Debbie Mitsch's fabulous bookstore in Huntington Beach, was on hand selling books. Our next salon will be March 15. Details to come!

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