Before I address the fact that I've been tagged, let me show you what I saw yesterday morning, our last day at Mammoth in the high Sierras. The rising sun streaked the wall of the guest room pink. Here, in Corona del Mar, architecture obscures the rising sun, oh woe.
So bleary-eyed, I pulled myself out of bed, found the camera on the nightstand, and pulled open the sliding door. The deck was icy cold. My eyes were drawn to the light on snow (the title to one of my favorite novels by Anita Shreve).
Now... about being tagged ....
Fellow ASJA member and blogger Candy Harrington (http://barrierfreetravels.com) tagged me this morning. What this means is I need to answer the questions below, or not play. Of course I'll play. Here goes:
Four Jobs in My LifeParts runner for a Volvo dealer
Countergirl at Dunkin' Donuts
Avon lady (at 17)
Baker (first job in San Francisco)
Four Films I Could Watch Over and OverOut of Towners (the original, with Jack Lemmon and Sandy Dennis)
Some Like it Hot (Jack Lemmon, again)
The Odd Couple
Dead Calm
(whoops...that's five)
Four Places I Have LivedPlainfield, Vermont
San Francisco
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Corona del Mar, California
Four TV Series I LikeI pretty much don't watch TV, but my 11-year-old son and I will watch...
The old
Dick Van Dyke show
Turner Classic Movie Channel
Knitty Gritty on DIY Network
Unwrapped on the Food Network
Four Places I've Been on VacationRajasthan, India
Palm Springs, CA
the outback of Maine (camping)
Four Foods I loveHot fudge sundaes (which I stay away from but find greatly compelling)
Tofu turkey (homemade)
Four Websites I Visit Dailyasja.org (The American Society of Journalists and Authors' forum)
writingclasses.com (Gotham Writers' Workshop (online; one place I teach)
knittersreview.com/forum (knitting forum; yes...I'm obsessed!)
laobserved.com (LAObserved: Los Angeles media, news, sense of place)
Four Places I'd Rather Be Right NowAs I answer this question, I am
at one of the four places I'd rather be (if I were home): Mammoth Lakes, CA, in the Sierras
Somewhere in Vermont where the snow grows deep
New Zealand
Four Bloggers Who Should PlayVictor Infante (http://ocvictor.livejournal.com)
Joshua Berman (http://blog.stonegrooves.net)
Anne Elliott (http://assbackwords.blogspot.com)
Bookish Wendy (http://thebookishgirl.blogspot.com)