.....without intending to be. Just have been so busy. Teaching five classes has winnowed down to two, which helps free up time. But it's busy as ever and in my ongoing search to cut back, I've come up with nada. Anything I'd pull back from I fear would make me flakey. I used to be tres flakey. Got a lot of people mad at me because I'd flake at the last minute or break a date with a girlfriend for some guy. Oh, bad bad behavior.
As it is, I look forward to the next month and a half when things will be on the light side and I can perhaps finish the first draft of my novel. Still hovering at the 350 page mark.
How are all of you about now?
(Anyone else love pomegranates? I do, but all those bothersome seeds....!)
I've been off writing for two weeks and it's starting to show. I'm just one tightly strung nerve and every worry that plagues us writers (are my books selling enough, will my publisher wise up and see me for the sham I am, will I ever be able to clear a profit in this business and send my son to university) senses it and threaten to eat me alive.
But as soon as I finish an article I promised to turn in on-time, I'll be free again to return to my make-believe world where all the scary things can't find me!
it's 29 degrees here and too damn cold to care about anything other than the consolation prizes that nature gives us - pomegranates and clementines just about the only things I'll endure early winter for.
What's the temp there?
Oh, Mary, you're doing so well, though. You have out two books at this point, no?
And Deborah, it's nice out--nice enough--but you know I'm an East coast goil and when it's December, somehow I think it should snow. Though cold without snow isn't all that fun, I s'pose....
Been great. Too much travel so I've missed your last few shows. Youngest daughter moved to Boston. She's happy. We're happy for her. It was warm in the northeast until yesterday. We're spoiled. Had a film company review two of my manuscripts for adaptation to film. But alas . . . .
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Best always,
I'm trying to trick myself into revising the first draft of my novel. I had an excuse to procrastinate before--non-Chaucerian medieval literature and intro to literary studies punished me with papers and final exams. Now I have a month off, and I hope to have a viable draft at the end of it.
Continual thanks for the blog and the show. They keep me on the writing track. I also look forward to reading your novel, now that I've been alerted to its eventual existence (I'm a relatively new reader).
Happy Holidays,
Tim Peoples
I truly love pomegranates, but I have to admit to also hating the seeds. It's why I've switched over to the bottled pomegranate juice. Really quite wonderful writing fuel.
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