Thursday, May 31, 2007

Endings are hard

I'm at the end of the draft novel--the last four chapters or so. I've been spending days on it. Endings are so important. The climactic scene is here and trying to decide, Should it go this way or that? How much to tie things up, or not? I like when books don't end entirely neatly, when there are some things left undone, left a bit vague.

I'm also working and reworking a love scene. How it should go--should they get together or not? What's enough and what's too much? If this were a romance novel, it seems that it would be easy. I could have heaving bosoms and rippled chests and purple prose. And that would be fine.

But what the protagonist ends up doing with her high school sweetheart is telling, in terms of her character, and his, and so I keep tweaking.

Love scenes are--ahem--hard to write. Elizabeth Benedict's book, The Joy of Writing Sex is so good. Benedict is a literary novelist and essayist. I always enjoy her writing.

I never planned to read The Horse Whisperer, but I saw it in the UCI-Extension lending library and I borrowed it. It contains a very short but strong love scene close to the beginning. I was impressed with how Evans handled it. I've only read a little bit of the book, but I can see already why Redford bought it to make into a movie.


Anonymous said...

Now you know why God had to rest on the seventh day.

blog does not exist said...

Goodie! New books to pick up. I've also been stumped on my character's romance, broken romance actually. I thought it would be so easy to write that part but it has been collecting dust for the past six months.

Anonymous said...

The title for this post really struck me. I discovered this evening that one of my parish priests is being transferred. I've grown very fond of this guy. He's been ordained a year, has an ornery sense of humor and always makes me crack up. I wept after he made the announcement. Endings ARE hard. And inevitable.

Good luck with the romance angle in your book. You know - of all things to mention - the love scene between Meggie and Ralph in The Thorn Birds isn't terribly explicit, but conveys what's necessary for the story. At least I think so. It's tough to write a scene like that without sounding like a snippet from Penthouse.